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Blurple Hex Codes

Purple RGB color code. 068 and the lightness value of 551a8b is 032.

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5539cc color RGB value is 25500.

Blurple hex codes. Hex color code color conversion HSV HSL CMYK CIE rgb85 57 204 color combinations schemes and HTMLCSS examples. Thankfully the HEX value for midnight purple is simple. The hexadecimal color code for their blurple is 7289DA.

551a8b hex color red value is 85 green value is 26 and the blue value of its RGB is 139. Thankfully the HEX value for neon purple is simple. The RGB Values and Percentages for Neon Purple.


Lastly in the HSL color model that color is the equivalent of a 227 hue 58 saturation and 65 lightness or 227 58 65. Color code HEX. Color Hex Color Codes.

Html element samples are also shown below the color detail page. In the RGB color model 406da2 is comprised of 251 red 4275 green and 6353 blue. 255 255 255 HEX.

This color has an approximate wavelength of 47666 nm. 5539cc Blurple color description. 3242021 Discord is a voice video and text communication service to talk and hang out with your friends and communities.

Purple color codes chart. The HEX color system is popular in many graphic design centers so if you work in the industry theres a good chance youre completing your projects based on this spectrum. 551a8b color RGB value is 8526139.

The HSL value is hsl91 149 135 either a shade of 91 a saturation of 149 and a brightness of 135. The code you need to input is 2E1A47. I came across a color I thought looked very versatile without the need to be modded.

The code you need to input is C724B1. HTML purple color codes. The HEX code consists of 3 groups of 2 digits from 00 to.

Frost WhiteRGB 33 12 89Value. Cylindrical-coordinate representations also known as HSL of color 551a8b hue. Hex code ff0000 or f00 RGB rgb255 0 0 HSL hsl0 100 50.

The RGB Values and Percentages for. The hexadecimal color 5440cd The hexadecimal color 5440cd is a color blue whose writing is rgb84 64 205 either 33 of red 25 of green 80 of blue. Dutch Boy Blurple 406da2 Hex Color Code.

7 rows Palette Discord theme with Blurple has 6 HEX RGB codes colors. 44 47 51 HEX. Purple HexRGB color code 800080 128655360256128 1280128 RED128 GREEN0 BLUE128.

Cyan 051428571428571 Magenta 051904761904762 Yellow 0 Black 017647058823529. Cmyk26 93 0 0 Color code BIN. Personally I love the way it looks with an ice white pearlescent.

The hexadecimal color code for their blurple is 7289DA. What is a color HEX. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 7289DA.

Hsl116 253 136 Color code CMYK. Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. Color-hex gives information about colors including color models RGBHSLHSV and CMYK Triadic colors monochromatic colors and analogous colors calculated in color page.

In the RGB color model that same blurple has 11 red 137 green and 218 blue or 114 137 218. Color spaces of 551a8b Purple 4. Color code RGB.

Rgb188 19 254 Color code HSL. The CMYK value is cmyk59 69 0 20 either 59 of cyan 69 of magenta 0 of yellow and 20 of black. For their other brand color schemes please continue reading below.

The HEX color system is popular in many graphic design centers so if you work in the industry theres a good chance youre completing your projects based on this spectrum. The hexadecimal color code 406da2 is a shade of cyan-blue. The hexadecimal color code for their blurple is 7289DA.

In the RGB color model 406da2 is comprised of 251 red 4275 green and 6353 blue. 210C59 210C59AAIf youre new to my channel why not subscribe I upload all the latest showcase glit. 551a8b color name is Purple 4 color.

The CMYK value is cmyk26 93 0 0 either 26 of cyan 93 of magenta 0 of yellow and 0 of black. In the HSL color space 406da2 has a hue of 212 degrees 43 saturation and 44 lightness.

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